Strive for Greatness

Hey Mama,

I had my final interview with President Treadway today. It brought tears to my eyes. He is such a good man. We were supposed to talk about my plan but we never really got to it haha! Instead we talked like best buds. He is a great man and I hope I can be like him someday. Sometimes I feel I didn’t do enough, but he had some very kind things to say about me. Made me feel like I have accomplished a lot and allowed me to see that in myself. An amazing experience I’ll never forget.  President gave me a blessing too. Words of Wisdom from the Lord and a man called by the Lord. Double the blessings. It was a neat experience.
Thanksgiving was super fun. We had the mission turkey bowl which is football. Our team wasn’t very good. I got both our touchdowns, and I’ve never played football in my life. Later that day we ate with the Conlee family. They are some of my favourites. We went to Alpine with them and it was a rather large family gathering. Super good time with super good people. And delicious pie which is the best part. Right after that we ate with the Hamilton family. It was a smaller group but very fun still. I love Thanksgiving. Best one yet.
One of the greatest blessings is the Temple. I was able to renew my Temple recommend today and it was a special experience. To be able to answer the questions happily and realize that I’m worthy to enter into the Lord’s house and be endowed with power. I’m so grateful for that opportunity and strive to be worthy the rest of my life. In order to do that I must do the little things. Prayer and scripture study. Strive for Greatness🚀
Congrats to Grandpa on getting married. I’m glad to hear how happy he is. I’m excited to spend some quality time with him. Talk about Apple haha. Love that man!
Time to send it for one last week. Bitter sweet. So hyped! Love you tons!
Elder Mulholland 🇨🇦
Utah Orem Mission

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